Informes nacionales de conformidad con el Artículo 21

Panorama general


Reporting Obligation

Article 21 of the Convention requires each Party to report to the Conference of the Parties, through the Secretariat, on the measures the Party has taken to implement the provisions of the Convention, on the effectiveness of such measures and on possible challenges in meeting the objective of the Convention.

Reporting frequency and format

Decision MC-1/8 provides that each Party shall report every four years using the full format (full reports) and report every two years on four questions marked by an asterisk in the full format (short reports). The Conference of the Parties also adopted a format for reporting as set out in the annex of Decision MC-1/8, which has been electronically adapted into the Online Reporting Tool, see section below.

Reporting Guidance

The Conference of the Parties in its Decision MC-5/13 on National reporting pursuant to article 21 of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, adopted the guidance for completing the national reporting format for use the Parties. See Reporting Guidance.

Online Reporting Tool (ORT)

Parties are invited to report electronically through the ORT. The tool follows the annex to Decision MC-1/8. The ORT is available in the six official languages of the UN.

Access to the ORT

The National Focal Point of each Party is provided by the Secretariat with the login credentials to access the ORT and submit the report every reporting cycle. If your National Focal Point has not received the credentials, or if your Government is unaware whom the credentials have been sent to, please immediately alert MEA-MinamataSecretariat [at] To assist Parties to collect and collate all information for the current report, the Secretariat has produced an offline paper version of the ORT. The offline paper version is not intended to replace or substitute the ORT. As per paragraph 7 of Decision MC-1/8, parties are encouraged to use the electronic version of the report when submitting the report to the Secretariat.