Parte | Indicate the specific category/subcategory for which the exemption is registered and whether the exemption is for manufacture | Explicación de la exención | Fecha de vencimiento de la exención | |
Argentina | The following non-electronic measuring devices except non-electronic measuring devices installed in large-scale equipment or those used for high precision measurement, where no suitable mercury-free alternative is available: (a)-(e):
Inglés | 2025 | |
Bangladesh | Import for the following mercury-added products:
Manufacture, import and export for the following mercury-added products:
Inglés | 2025 | |
Botswana | Import for all mercury-added products, as listed in Part I of Annex A of the Convention |
Inglés | 2025 | |
Canadá |
Inglés | 2025 | |
China | The following non-electronic measuring devices except non-electronic measuring devices installed in large-scale equipment or those used for high precision measurement, where no suitable mercury-free alternative is available: (a)-(e).
Inglés , Chinese | 2025 | |
Ghana | Manufacture, import and export for all mercury-added products, as listed in Part I of Annex A of the Convention. |
Inglés | 2025 | |
India | Manufacture, import and export for all mercury-added products, as listed in Part I of Annex A of the Convention. |
Inglés | 2025 | |
Irán (República Islámica del) | Import for the following mercury-added products:
Manufacture, import and export for the following mercury-added products:
Manufacture and export for the following mercury-added products:
Inglés | 2025 | |
Lesotho | Import for the following mercury-added products:
Inglés | 2025 | |
Madagascar | Import for all mercury-added products, as listed in Part I of Annex A of the Convention. |
Inglés | 2025 | |
Perú | The following non-electronic measuring devices except non-electronic measuring devices installed in large-scale equipment or those used for high precision measurement, where no suitable mercury-free alternative is available: (a)-(e).
Inglés | 2025 | |
Eswatini | Import for the following mercury-added products:
Inglés | 2025 | |
Tailandia | Manufacture, Import and Export for the following mercury-added products:
Inglés | 2025 |
Parte | Categoría / subcategoría específica para la que se registra una exención | Explicación de la exención | Fecha de vencimiento de la exención | |
Argentina |
Inglés | 2030 | |
Ghana | Chlor-alkali production Acetaldehyde production in which mercury or mercury compounds are used as a catalyst |
Inglés | 2030 | |
India |
Inglés | 2030 | |
Irán (República Islámica del) | Chlor-alkali production |
Inglés | 2030 | |
Perú | Chlor-alkali production |
Inglés | 2030 | |
Estados Unidos de América | Chlor-alkali production |
Inglés | 2030 |