
Segunda reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes en el Convenio de Minamata sobre el Mercurio (COP2)

Switzerland, 19 Nov 2018 - 23 Nov 2018
    Meeting Information

    La segunda reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes en el Convenio de Minamata sobre el Mercurio se celebró del 19 al 23 de noviembre de 2018, en el Centro Internacional de Conferencias de Ginebra, Suiza. La reunión fue precedida el 18 de noviembre de 2018 por reuniones preparatorias de los grupos regionales y otros grupos.

    Después de la COP2, la secretaría invitó a las partes y actores interesados a presentar contribuciones, así como a la nominación de expertos para los procesos entre sesiones. Leer más (documento en inglés)

    Información adicional

    • La cobertura diaria e informe de síntesis del boletín Earth Negotiations Bulletin están disponibles en la página web del IISD en
    • Aportaciones de los gobiernos y las partes interesadas para la COP2 se pueden encontrar aquí
    Intersessional Work

    Labor entre reuniones y aportaciones para la COP2

    Draft guidelines on the interim storage of mercury and mercury compounds

    In accordance with Decision MC1/18, the secretariat, in consultation with relevant experts, including technical experts from the Basel Convention, has revised the draft guidelines on the interim storage of mercury and mercury compounds.  

    The revised draft guidelines are now made available for comment.  Comments should be submitted to the secretariat at mea-minamatasecretariat [at] (mea-minamatasecretariat[at]un[dot]org).

    Comments submitted by 20 June 2018 were taken into account in developing the document UNEP/MC/COP.2/5, presented to the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties for its further consideration and possible adoption (available from the COP2 webpage). The draft guidelines with tracked changes is available here.

    Arrangements for providing the Conference of the Parties with comparable monitoring data, and elements of an effectiveness evaluation framework under Article 22

    In accordance with Decision MC 1/9 the ad hoc group of experts on the arrangements for providing the Conference of the Parties with comparable monitoring data, and elements of an effectiveness evaluation framework under Article 22 met, from 5 - 9 March 2018, in Ottawa Canada.  

    The ad hoc group of experts developed a draft report, including the outline, plan and elements of the effectiveness evaluation framework. 

    The Secretariat invited all stakeholders to provide comments on the draft report. Comments received are made available below.

    Submissions from governments

    Submissions from other organizations

    Submissions for COP2 based on request for further work made at COP1


    During COP1, the secretariat was asked to seek input from Governments and a range of other interested stakeholders on a number of issues to be considered further at COP2. The submissions received in relation to article 9, article 14 and open burning are made available below.

    Submissions from Governments

    Submissions from other organizations

    Submissions from the Basel and Stockholm Conventions regional centres


    The below submissions from the Basel Convention Regional and Coordinating Centres and the Stockholm Convention Regional and Subregional Centres are part of the collection of information requested through decision MC-1/21 to the secretariat during COP1.

    • Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Centre in Algeria
    • Basel Convention Regional Centre in Argentina
    • Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Centre in Brazil
    • Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Centre in China
    • Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Czech Republic
    • Basel and Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Indonesia
    • Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Centre in Senegal
    • Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Centre in Slovakia
    • Basel Convention Regional Centre in Trinidad and Tobago
    • Basel Convention Coordinating Centre and Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Uruguay

    Other submissions for COP2

    IPEN - Brief on Mercury Supply and Trade: Arabic - Chinese - English - French - Russian - Spanish

    Other intersessional work