Reciba actualizaciones periódicas de la Convención de Minamata
Minamata Online
On Monday 5 June (13h00-14h00 CEDT), to celebrate World Environment Day, a special Minamata Online session will focus on photography and mercury, with the three winners of the 2022 #MakeMercuryHistory photo contest participating in the conversation. 'Minamata' film director Andrew Levitas will join jury members and winners of the contest to share unique perspectives on the role of photography in driving positive change and how it can deepen our commitment to preserving the human health and the environment from the toxic effects of mercury.
- Monika Stankiewicz, Minamata Convention Secretariat
- Andrew Levitas, director of the film 'Minamata'
- Kenneth Davis, Chemicals and Health Branch, UNEP
- Christian Hofer, Global Environment Facility
- Janusz Jurek, winner of “the environment” category
- Florian Schulze, winner of “the people working to phase out mercury“ category
- Elisabetta Zavoli, winner of "mercury pollution“ category
- Anna García Sans, Minamata Convention Secretariat
- Pablo Garmón, Minamata Convention Secretariat
- Trailer of the film 'Minamata', directed by Andrew Levitas
- Video presentation of the photo exhibition
- Video recording of the event below
Time and place
Takes place in
Starts on
5 Jun 2023
1:00 PM CEDT
Ends on
5 Jun 2023
2:00 PM CEDT