The BCRC-Caribbean has executed as well as participated in numerous mercury-related projects to help further the implementation of the Minamata Convention and raise awareness of the issue of mercury in the Caribbean region. Some initiatives include Minamata Initial Assessments (MIA) projects across nine countries; Fish Mercury Biomonitoring in the Caribbean Region Project; and a National Action Plan for ASGM in the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.
In carrying out these projects, the lack of knowledge on the issue of mercury amongst stakeholders ranging from government officials, healthcare professionals, waste management professionals and the general public were noted. The need to gain support from the range of stakeholders in order to enhance the ratification and/or implementation of the Minamata Convention was a key factor in ensuring project success.
Awareness raising tools and materials were developed under each project. Under the first MIA conducted, live-action videos (filmed in each participating country) detailing the importance of the project were developed to use as an informational piece for government personnel. Bridged versions of these videos were also developed to sensitize the general public. Informational Graphics were also developed to target awareness on different mercury related issues such as mercury in cosmetics. These were printed and placed strategically in schools and health care facilities.
Student seminars and high-level workshops were also conducted to raise the profile of mercury awareness in the Caribbean. This played a key role in the Government of Saint Lucia ratifying the Convention following the project.
The successes and lessons learned from this project has now informed the development of awareness raising animated videos under the subsequent MIAs and other project initiatives.
The aim of this knowledge lab will be to share the different strategies and materials developed by the BCRC-Caribbean under these projects and discuss the lessons learned for enhancing awareness raising in order to promote the ratification and implementation of the Minamata Convention. Also joining the BCRC-Caribbean will be the Project Director of the GEFGOLD Project from Conservation International-Guyana who will also be sharing the awareness raising materials developed under their project to further promote collaboration and information exchange. Overall, the knowledge lab is expected to promote information sharing across the regions and promote South-to-South cooperation for other Parties or agencies in their efforts to raise awareness on different aspects of mercury management.
The different awareness raising material including videos and pamphlets will be shared in a presentation format by the BCRC-Caribbean. The presentation will also aim to discuss tools and good practices for the development of communication strategies for chemicals management.