Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia regional preparatory meeting for COP3

Regional Meetings Tallin Estonia 22 - 23 Oct 2019

The Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia regional meeting in Tallinn, Estonia, was attended by a total of twenty-eight participants. Among these, twenty participants represented nine governments (Armenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Montenegro, Republic of Moldova, Slovenia and the Russian Federation) in the region. The remaining eight participants represented one Stockholm Convention regional centre and five NGOs, in addition to the Minamata Secretariat. Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Convention Secretariat participated remotely in item 8 of the second day of the meeting.

Time and place
Takes place in
Tallin Estonia
Starts on 22 Oct 2019 6 PM CET
Ends on 23 Oct 2019 6 PM CET
2019-10-22T18:00:00 - 2019-10-23T18:00:00
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