Recevez des mises à jour régulières de Minamata Convention
Minamata Online
Register now to the event that will take place on Wednesday 7 December (14h00-15h30 CET), co-organized with the International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP). This webinar is part of a series of Minamata Online sessions, related to the four ICMGP synthesis papers, to be published in early 2023. This is the second one of four sessions focusing on risk communication, convened with the synthesis paper authors, other health scientists and intergovernmental organizations. Based on the best available knowledge/information on human health risk of mercury, the panelists will discuss opportunities and challenges in communicating health risk to the public and the professionals.
- Niladri Basu, McGill University, Canada
- Eva Krümmel, Inuit Circumpolar Council
- Andromachi Katsonouri, Cyprus State General Laboratory
- Ashley Bastiansz, Intern at the Group on Earth Observations
- Irina Zastenskaya, World Health Organization
- Halshka Graczyk, International Labour Organization
- Milena Horvat, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
- Joy Leaner, International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant
- Eisaku Toda, Secretariat of the Minamata Convention
Time and place
Takes place in
Starts on
7 déc 2022
2:00 PM CET
Ends on
7 déc 2022
3:30 PM CET