National reporting pursuant to Article 21

Article 21 (Reporting) of the Minamata Convention provides that each Party shall report to the Conference of the Parties, through the Secretariat, on the measures it has taken to implement the provisions of the Convention, and on the effectiveness of such measures and the possible challenges in meeting the objectives of the Convention.


Reporting format


The Conference of the Parties adopted a format for reporting as set out in the annex of its Decision MC-1/8, which has been clarified by Decision MC-4/8 and amended by annex I of Decision MC-5/13. 

Reporting guidance


The Conference of the Parties in its decision MC-5/13, adopted the reporting guidance for use by Parties. In the same decision, the Secretariat was requested by the Conference of the Parties to reflect the adopted amendments to the reporting format, in the reporting guidance.

The guidance for completing the national reporting format is available below.

The purpose of the guidance is to clarify the information being sought in the national reporting format adopted by the Conference of the Parties, and in this way assist Parties in fulfilling their obligation under Article 21. Previous drafts of the guidance were prepared by the Secretariat in response to the requests of the Conference of the Parties in decisions MC-3/13, MC-4/8 and MC-5/13.

Relevant forms and guidance


Through its meetings since 2017, the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury has adopted forms and guidance to assist Parties with its effective implementation. The forms and guidance that are relevant for reporting on specific measures and their effectiveness pursuant to Article 21 can be accessed at the COP Forms and Guidance page.