Implementation and Compliance Committee

The Minamata Convention on Mercury establishes, under its article 15, an Implementation and Compliance Committee as a subsidiary body of the Conference of the Parties. The objective of the Committee is to promote the implementation of, and review compliance with, all the provisions of the Convention.

The current members of the Implementation and Compliance Committee elected at COP-5 are:

Africa Oluwatoyin Olabanji (Nigeria)
Mve Beh Jean Hervé (Gabon)
Musa Kuzumila Ngunila (United Republic of Tanzania)
Asia Pacific Hu Yunfang (China)
Satyendra Kumar (India)
Hossein Rahdar (Iran (Islamic Republic of))
Eastern European States Eva Salplachtova (Czechia)
Jelena Kovačević (Montenegro)
Atanas Stoyanov Dishkelov (Bulgaria)
Latin America and the Caribbean María del Mar Solano Trejos (Costa Rica)
Jimena Nieto Carrasco (Colombia)
Meredith Henry-Cumberbatch (Suriname)
Western European and Others Group Anik Beaudoin (Canada)
Gene Smilansky (United States of America)
Helga Schrott (Austria)

ICC5Photo of the Implementation and Compliance Committee at the fifth meeting in 2023. 

The Implementation and Compliance Committee held its first meeting from 29 to 30 May 2018 in Geneva. At that meeting, members of the Committee elaborated rules of procedure, which as per article 15, paragraph 5 of the Minamata Convention, will be forwarded for consideration and approval to the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention.

The meeting was preceded by an information-sharing session featuring experience under implementation and compliance mechanisms of other multilateral environmental agreements, including the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, the UNECE Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

Relevant decisions

ICC Rules

Rules of procedure for the Implementation and Compliance Committee(ICC) of the Minamata Convention on Mercury
Read here

As developed by the ICC at its first meeting and adopted at the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties in Geneva, 19–23 November 2018 (decision MC-2/4)