Strengthening national capacity for phasing out mercury-added products and environmentally-sound management of mercury and mercury waste in Sri Lanka

The project will enhance understanding of alternatives to mercury-added products listed in Annex A, including thermometers, sphygmomanometers, light sources (CFL and LFL) and batteries, and will develop policy recommendations for addressing mercury-added products. It will build capacity for the environmentally sound management of mercury wastes in health, industrial, commercial, educational sectors, and will develop national technical guidelines for the sound management of mercury waste, using the Basel Convention technical guidelines. The project will also conduct training and disseminate targeted informational materials among stakeholders and the general public on the sound management of mercury and mercury wastes.

Financial mechanism
Implementation timeline
SIP Round 2
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2. Zero hunger
Goal 3. Good health and well-being
Goal 8. Decent work and economic growth
Goal 12. Responsible consumption and production
Goal 14. Life below water

The overall objective of this project is to build capacity for the phase-out of mercury-added products and the environmentally sound management of elemental mercury and wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with mercury in Sri Lanka.

Expected outcome
  • OUTPUT 1 Institutional setup for project implementation including technical committees for industrial, health, and education sectors established
  • OUTPUT 2 Report on mercury free alternatives with their cost-benefit analysis and recommendations for future policy directives developed
  • OUTPUT 3 National technical guideline for mercury waste management in industrial, health and education sectors established
  • OUTPUT 4 Employees from health, industrial and education sectors, mercury equipment suppliers and general public trained on mercury waste management
  • OUTPUT 5 Project results disseminated at relevant international forum