UNEP/MC/COP.3/12 - Information received from existing regional, sub-regional and national arrangements on their capacity-building and technical assistance to support parties in implementing their obligations under the Minamata Convention

Note by the secretariat 1. At its second meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury adopted decision MC-2/11, entitled “Article 14: Capacity-building, technical assistance and technology transfer”, in which it recalled decision MC-1/21, where it was recognized that some of the existing regional and subregional centres were already developing projects and activities regarding mercury issues. In decision MC-2/11, the Conference of the Parties requested the secretariat of the Minamata Convention to collect the information received from the existing regional, subregional and national arrangements on their capacity-building and technical assistance to support parties in implementing their obligations under the Minamata Convention. It also requested the secretariat to report thereon to the Conference of the Parties at its third meeting, and emphasized the relevance of using, as appropriate, regional, subregional and national arrangements, including existing regional and subregional centres, in the delivery of capacity-building and technical assistance consistent with article 14 of the Convention. 2. The secretariat sought information from parties and other stakeholders relevant to decision MC-2/11 by means of a letter sent by the Executive Secretary on 3 December 2018 to all the participants in the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties, as well as national focal points for the Convention, permanent missions to the United Nations Environment Programme and permanent missions to the United Nations in Geneva.