The project addresses the post-ratification of the Minamata Convention and adoption of a nationally consistent approach to phase down use of mercury containing products and reduce the risk of exposure in the Republic of Moldova. The project focuses on developing measures to minimize and reduce mercury releases originating from the intentional use of mercury in products; elaboration of regulatory framework to allow sound mercury wastes management; knowledge and technical capacity building for environmentally sound interim storage of mercury; conducting awareness raising activities on reducing the mercury exposure, particularly among women and children.
The overall objective of this project is to promote adoption of a nationally consistent approach to phase down use of mercury containing products.
- OUTPUT 1 Appropriate legal and operational framework on sound management of mercury and mercury wastes developed and endorsed by relevant government officials
- OUTPUT 2 Use of mercury containing lamps phased down and their waste reduced, by building technical and operational capacity of Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme (at stages of collection, transport, interim storage and decontamination, preparation for final disposal)
- OUTPUT 3 Exposure to mercury containing measuring devices used in healthcare sector, particularly among women and children reduced
- OUTPUT 4 CEE Regional workshop conducted on sharing experience in ratification and implementation of the Minamata Convention in the region