First national short reports – 2019

Pursuant to Article 21 of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, each Party shall report on the measures it has taken to implement the provisions of the Convention, on the effectiveness of such measures and on possible challenges in meeting the objectives of the Convention. The deadline for the first biennial national reports (short format) was 31 December 2019.

Below are the national reports submitted by the Parties to the Minamata Convention for the first reporting cycle. New reports received will be posted here when available.

Parties are strongly encouraged to use the online reporting tool to prepare and submit their report if they have not yet done so. The tool follows the reporting format agreed by the Conference of Parties and is available in the six official languages of the UN. The National Focal Point of each Party has received the login credentials to submit the report.

If your Government’s National Focal Point has not received the credentials, or if your Government is unaware whom the credentials have been sent to, please immediately alert MEA-MinamataSecretariat [at] (MEA-MinamataSecretariat[at]un[dot]org).

For the biennial report, an information document and a presentation have been prepared to assist Parties and facilitate completing the report.

Reports as per File Attachment and other information
Afghanistan Report_AFG_2019.pdf PartD.pdf
Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina Report-ARG_2019.pdf Art3_Q3
Armenia Report_ARM_2019.pdf
Austria Report_AUT_2019.pdf
Belgium Report_BEL_2019.pdf
Benin Report_BEN_2019.pdf
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Report_BOL_2019.pdf
Botswana Report_BWA_2019.pdf
Brazil Report_BRA_2019.pdf
Bulgaria Report_BGR_2019.pdf
Burkina Faso Report_BFA_2019.pdf
Canada Report_CAN_2019.pdf Art3_Q3 , Art3_Q5a
Chad Report_TCD_2019.pdf Art3_Q3 , Art3_Q5a , Art3_Q5b
Chile Report_CHL_2019.pdf
China Report_CHN_2019.pdf
China (Hong Kong SAR) Report_HongKong_2019-short.pdf
China (Macao SAR) Report_MacaoSAR_2019-short.pdf
Colombia Report_COL_2019.pdf
Comoros Report_COM_2019.pdf
Congo Report_COG_2019.pdf
Costa Rica Report_CRI_2019.pdf
Côte d'Ivoire Report_CIV_2019.pdf
Croatia Report_HRV_2019.pdf
Czechia Report_CZE_2019.pdf
Denmark Report_DNK_2019.pdf Art3_Q3
Djibouti Report_DJI_2019.pdf
Dominican Republic Report_DOM_2019-short.pdf
Ecuador Report_ECU_2019-short.pdf
El Salvador Report_SLV_2019.pdf
Estonia Report_EST_2019.pdf
European Union Report_EU_2019.pdf Art3_Q3 , Art11_Q2
Finland Report_FIN_2019.pdf
France Report_FRA_2019.pdf
Gabon Report_GAB_2019.pdf
Gambia Report_GMB_2019.pdf
Germany Report_DEU_2019-short.pdf
Ghana Report_GHA_2019.English.pdf
Greece Report_GRC_2019.pdf
Guinea Report_GIN_2019-short.pdf
Guinea-Bissau Report_GNB_2019.pdf
Guyana Report_GUY_2019-short.pdf
Honduras Report_HND_2019.pdf
Hungary Report_HUN_2019.pdf
Iceland Report_ISL_2019.pdf
India Report_IND_2019.pdf Art3_Q3
Indonesia Report_IDN_2019.pdf
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Report_IRN_2019.pdf
Ireland Report_IRL_2019.pdf
Jamaica Report_JAM_2019.pdf
Japan Report_JPN_2019.pdf Art3_Q3
Jordan Report_JOR_2019.pdf
Kuwait Report_KWT_2019.pdf
Latvia Report_LVA_2019.pdf
Lebanon Report_LBN_2019.pdf
Lesotho Report_LSO_2019.pdf
Liechtenstein Report_LIE_2019.pdf
Lithuania Report_LTU_2019.pdf
Luxembourg Report_LUX_2019.pdf
Madagascar Report_MDG_2019.pdf
Mali Report_MLI_2019.pdf
Malta Report_MLT_2019.English.pdf
Marshall Islands
Mauritania Report_MRT_2019.pdf
Mauritius Report_MUS_2019.pdf
Mexico Report_MEX_2019-short.pdf Art3_Q1
Monaco Report_MCO_2019.pdf
Mongolia Report_MNG_2019.pdf
Montenegro Report_MNE_2019.pdf
Namibia Report_NAM_2019.pdf
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) Report_NLD_2019.pdf
Nicaragua Report_NIC_2019.pdf Art3_Q3
Niger Report_NER_2019-short.pdf
Nigeria Report_NGA_2019-short.pdf
Norway Report_NOR_2019.pdf Art3_Q3
Panama Report_PAN_2019-short.pdf
Paraguay Report_PRY_2019.pdf
Peru Report_PER_2019.pdf Art3_Q3
Portugal Report_PRT_2019.pdf
Republic of Moldova Report_MDA_2019.pdf
Romania Report_ROU_2019-short.pdf
Rwanda Report_RWA_2019.pdf
Saint Kitts and Nevis Report_KNA_2019.pdf
Saint Lucia Report_LCA_2019.pdf
Samoa Report_WSM_2019.pdf
Sao Tome and Principe Report_STP_2019.pdf
Saudi Arabia Report_SAU_2019.pdf
Senegal Report_SEN_2019-short.pdf
Seychelles Report_SYC_2019.pdf
Sierra Leone Report_SLE_2019.pdf
Singapore Report_SGP_2019.pdf Art3_Q3
Slovakia Report_SVK_2019.pdf
Slovenia Report_SVN_2019.pdf Art3_Q3
South Africa Report_ZAF_2019.pdf
Sri Lanka Report_LKA_2019.pdf
Suriname Report_SUR_2019.pdf
Sweden Report_SWE_2019.pdf
Switzerland Report_CHE_2019.pdf Art3_Q5a
Syrian Arab Republic Report_SYR_2019.pdf
Thailand Report_THA_2019.pdf Art3_Q5a
Togo Report_TGO_2019-short.pdf
Tonga Report_TON_2019.pdf
Tuvalu Report_TUV_2019.pdf
Uganda Report_UGA_2019-short.pdf
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Report_GBR_2019.pdf
United Republic of Tanzania Report_TZA_2019_short.pdf
United States of America Report_USA_2019.pdf Art3_Q3
Uruguay Report_URY_2019-short.pdf
Vanuatu Report_VUT_2019.pdf
Viet Nam Report_VNM_2019.pdf
Zambia Report_ZMB_2019.pdf