Minamata Online
The text of the Minamata Convention refers to the needs of vulnerable populations in several articles, as well as in paragraph 1 (i) of its annex C. At its third meeting (COP-3), the Conference of the Parties decided to include gender as a focus area of the Convention’s programme of work and budget for the biennium 2020‒2021. The second segment of its fourth meeting (COP-4.2) is to consider Agenda: Item 4(l) Gender.
This deep-dive information session will provide an opportunity to consider the document prepared for COP-4 and the overall agenda item in more detail. It will further provide an opportunity for questions to be clarified and exchange as Parties see fit to enable the preparation of Parties ahead of the in-person meeting in Bali.

Time and place
Takes place in
Starts on
8 Mar 2022
3:00 PM CET
Ends on
8 Mar 2022
4:00 PM CET