The deep-dive session on National Reporting provides a closer look at the various working documents covered under agenda item (j) on national reporting (UNEP/MC/COP/5/15/). The session starts off with an overview of the periodic report prepared by the Secretariat based on its findings of the responses to the full report (2021) submitted by the Parties (UNEP/MC/COP/5/15/INF20). The full report covers the period from 17 August 2017 to 31 December 2020. The session will then provide information on the proposed amendments to the reporting format arising from Decisions MC-4/3 and 4/8 (UNEP/MC/COP/5/15/Add.1) and draft reporting guidance pursuant to Decision MC-4/8 (UNEP/MC/COP/5/15/Add.2). The session will wrap up with a presentation of the draft decision on national reporting for consideration by the Conference of Parties at its 5th meeting, that were developed in light of the Parties’ responses to the first full reports, the requests in Decisions MC-4/3 and 4/8, and relevant recommendations of the Implementation and Compliance Committee.
- Full presentations of the session
- Video recording of the event below