Pursuant Decision MC-2/10, the mandate of the ad-hoc technical expert group on effectiveness evaluation was revised, and the group was requested to further develop a report building on its report to COP-2 (UNEP/MC/COP.2/INF/8). The list of members and observers of the group is available below.
Draft report on effectiveness evaluation
The draft report of the ad hoc technical expert group was open for public comment from 1 August to 5 September 2019. The draft report responds to the mandate of MC-1/9 and MC-2/10.
All stakeholders were invited to provide comments on the draft report. Comments received are made available below.
Submissions from Governments
- European Union and its Member States - Summary and track changes
- Japan - Summary and track changes
- Canada
- United States
Submissions from other organisations
Ad-hoc Technical Expert Group
The ad-hoc technical expert group on effectiveness is co-chaired by Ms. Katerina Šebková and Mr. Mohammed Khashashneh.
Ms. Petlane Moleboheng Juliett (Lesotho)
Mr. Sani Mahazou (Niger)
Mr. Edgard Brice Ngoungou (Gabon)
Mr. Joachim Pagnibam T. Meba (Togo)
Mr. Baro Roger (Burkina Faso)
Asia and the Pacific
Mr. Minghui Zheng (China)
Ms. Zahra Jabbari Barjasteh (Iran)
Mr. Mitsugu Saito (Japan)
Mr. Mohammed Khashashneh (Jordan)
Mr. Sarawut Thepanondh (Thailand)
Central and Eastern Europe
Ms. Katerina Šebková (Czech Republic)
Mr. Christopher Gordon Allen (European Union)
Mr. Trajce Stafilov (North Macedonia)
Mr. Alexander Romanov (Russia)
Ms. Milena Horvat (Slovenia)
Latin America and the Caribbean
Mr. Agustín Harte (Argentina)
Mr. Linroy Christian (Antigua and Barbuda)
Ms. Anika Aska (Antigua and Barbuda)
Mr. Arturo Gavilan (Mexico)
Ms. Gabriela Medina (Uruguay)
Western Europe and Other
Ms. Lone Schou (Denmark)
Mr. Rafael Zubrzycki (Germany)
Mr. Nicola Pirrone (Italy)
Ms. Alexandra Steffen (Canada)
Ms. Silje Fagernes Anonsen (Norway)
Ms. Eva Kruemmel (Inuit Circumpolar Council)
Ms. Carolyn Vickers (WHO)
Mr. David Evers (Biodiversity Research Institute)
Ms. Susan Keane (Natural Resources Defense Council)
Ms. Noelle Eckley Selin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Mr. Kjetil Tørseth (EMEP)
Ms. Semia Gharbi (IPEN)
Ms. Elsie Sunderland (Harvard University)
Ms. Ada Lis Rosell (Solidaridat)
Mr. Ulises Saldana (World Chlorine Council (Mexico))
Invitees for cooperation between secretariats/in chemicals cluster
Ms. Katarina Magulova (BRS Secretariat)
Mr. Kenneth Davis (UN Environment)
Ad-hoc technical expert group meeting, 8-12 April 2019, Geneva
The ad-hoc technical expert group met in Geneva, Switzerland, from 8 to 12 April 2019. The meeting documents are available below (WORD documents).
- UNEP/MC/EE.2/1: Provisional agenda
- UNEP/MC/EE.2/1/Add.1: Annotations to the provisional agenda
- UNEP/MC/EE.2/2: Relevant Convention text and decisions of the Conference of the Parties on effectiveness evaluation
- UNEP/MC/EE.2/3: Overview of information submitted by parties and other stakeholders on effectiveness evaluation
- UNEP/MC/EE.2/4: Compilation of comments on the report of the ad hoc group of experts on effectiveness evaluation
- UNEP/MC/EE.2/5: Comments from the members and observers on the effectiveness evaluation framework
- UNEP/MC/EE.2/6: Comments from the members and observers on the monitoring arrangements
- UNEP/MC/EE.2/7: Report of the meeting
The group agreed to further work electronically, and develop a draft report for COP-3, as requested by decision MC-2/10. Also, in accordance with the mentioned decision, the draft report was posted on the website on 1 August 2019, together with a draft supporting information document, for comments until 5 September 2019. The draft report will then be finalized by the group and the final report to COP-3 will be made available in October 2019. This process is in agreement with the roadmap adopted by COP-2 in decision MC-2/10, which implies that the report on effectiveness evaluation, which will be a COP-3 document, will only be available in a non-edited format in October in English. The Secretariat will only then be able to submit such version to Conference Services for editing, processing and translation into the six UN official languages. The COP Bureau was reminded of the implications of COP decision MC-2/10 at its meeting of 26 April 2019.
At the Geneva meeting, the ad-hoc technical expert group considered the submission of information on their monitoring programmes or any relevant information to supplement the report to COP-2.
Submissions from governments
Submissions from other organisations
- Secretariat of the Barcelona Convention: submission 1 - submission 2 - submission 3 - submission 4 - submission 5 - submission 6 - submission 7 - submission 8
- World Health Organization (WHO)