Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group to prepare for the intergovernmental negotiating committee on mercury (AHOEWG)

Open-Ended Working Group Bangkok Thailand 19 - 23 Oct 2009

The Open-Ended Working Group to prepare for the intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC) was held from 19 to 23 October 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting agreed to recommend rules of procedure to the intergovernmental negotiating committee as well as intersessional work for the secretariat to prepare documentation for the INC, including options for the structure for the instrument and a description of options for the substantive provisions.

Time and place
Takes place in
Bangkok Thailand
Starts on 19 Oct 2009 7:53 AM CET
Ends on 23 Oct 2009 7:53 AM CET
2009-10-19T07:53:50 - 2009-10-23T07:53:50
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