Compliance Pathways to Minamata Convention Decision on Lighting

19 juin 2024

On behalf of the Africa region, Sierra Leone and Mauritania - co-organized with CLASP and supported by the Minamata Convention Secretariat - are pleased to invite you to a virtual workshop to learn about proven, cost effective pathways to national compliance with the COP5 decisions from policy leaders and lighting experts. Hosted on Zoom in English with French Translation.

Save the date and register now!

Upon initiative of the Africa Region, delegates agreed to phase out toxic mercury-containing lighting globally by 2027 at the Minamata Convention on Mercury Fifth Conference of Parties (COP5) in 2023.

The session will include success stories and case studies to highlight the policy options available to realize the full benefits of Africa’s transition to all LEDs. Speakers will also address potential challenges and engage in audience Q&A.



  • Mr. Mohamed Kamara & Dr. Sidi Ould Aloueimine  Bureau Members Representing Africa, Minamata Convention 
  • Eisaku Toda  Minamata Convention Secretariat, UNEP
  • David Kapindula  Africa Region
  • Thabo Mabena, Operations Manager, National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS)
  • Hubert Zan  Ghana Energy Commission
  • Alaeldin Mohamed  UNIDO
  • Ana Maria Carreno  CLASP
  • Rachel Kamande  Clean Lighting Coalition

Recent News

Minamata Background
From the Executive Secretary
| 12 fév 2025

Study of the global supply, production, trade and use of mercury compounds

At its fifth meeting, which took place from 30 October to 3 November 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland, the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury adopted decision MC-5/3 requesting the Secretariat to: (a) initiate a study of the global supply, production, trade and use of merc