UNEP/MC/COP.5/25/Add.1 - Decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury at its fifth meeting Téléchargement Rapport final | 24.11.2023 | 1.90 MB
MC-5/20 - Programme of work and budget for the biennium 2024‒2025 Téléchargement Décision | 24.11.2023 | 671.44 KB
MC-5/11 - Review of the financial mechanism of the Minamata Convention on Mercury Téléchargement Décision | 24.11.2023 | 410.49 KB
MC-5/9 - Guidance on the best available techniques and best environmental practices to control releases from relevant sources Téléchargement Décision | 24.11.2023 | 396.58 KB
MC-5/8 - Implementation of article 8: emissions of mercury Téléchargement Décision | 24.11.2023 | 391.76 KB
MC-5/3 - Study of the global supply, production, trade and use of mercury compounds Téléchargement Décision | 24.11.2023 | 396.70 KB
MC-5/6 - Information on the economic and technical feasibility of mercury-free catalysts in vinyl chloride monomer production Téléchargement Décision | 24.11.2023 | 399.27 KB