Sexta reunión del Comité de Aplicación y Cumplimiento

26 Sep 2024

En la reunión, que se celebró en línea del 24 al 25 de septiembre, se debatieron cuestiones relacionadas con el cumplimiento y la presentación de informes nacionales en virtud del Convenio de Minamata.

The sixth meeting of the Implementation and Compliance Committee (ICC) was held online from 24 to 25 September 2024. The Committee considered for the first time a written submission from a Party concerning its own compliance and a Secretariat’s report on the second short national reports submitted by Parties. The next in-person meeting of the Committee will be held in Geneva from 18 to 20 February 2025. Here, you can check all the meeting documents.

The meeting was chaired by Anik Beaudoin (Canada), while Musa Kuzumila Ngunila (Tanzania) served as Vice-Chair and Rapporteur for the meeting. Both officers were elected at the fifth meeting of the Committee, held from 7 to 9 March 2023 in Geneva, and will remain in office until the closure of the next in-person meeting of the Committee, which is scheduled to be held in 2025.

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