Mercurio y sitios contaminados en la 15ª Reunión del ICCL

04 Nov 2024

La 15ª Reunión del Comité Internacional sobre Tierras Contaminadas (ICCL, International Committee on Contaminated Land en inglés) tuvo lugar del 17 al 18 de octubre en Berna, Suiza, e incluyó una sesión híbrida sobre el Convenio de Minamata sobre el mercurio.

Convention session


This technical session, held on 17 October, focused on mercury and contaminated sites, sharing national challenges and experiences, case studies and advancements in technologies and management strategies for addressing mercury contamination.

Speakers from environmental ministries and organizations from all over the world exchanged their experiences in countries such as Botswana, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru, Slovenia, Spain, Uganda, and others. One of the highlights was North Macedonia’s presentation of the Specific International Programme project “Strengthening national capacities for the Minamata Convention implementation with focus on development of strategy for assessing the site contaminated by mercury”.

Hosted by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), this biennial ICCL event brought together experts in the field of remediation of contaminated land, government departments and non-governmental organizations and businesses. The ICCL serves as an international network of contaminated land policy makers, regulators, experts and technical advisors exchanging best practices and collaborating on policies for managing contaminated land.

Find the presentations and video recording of the session here. To know more about mercury contaminated sites, read our 2019 publication Guidance on the management of contaminated sites.

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