Upcoming Central America sub-regional workshop in Mexico

13 Nov 2014

Countries from Central America will gather in Mexico city from 26 to 28 November July 2014 to participate in the sub-regional workshop in support for the ratification and early implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.

Countries from Central America will gather in Mexico city from 26 to 28 November July 2014 to take part in a sub-regional workshop in support for the ratification and early implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.

This meeting is part of a series of workshops launched in March 2014 by the interim secretariat to support countries in their efforts at national and sub-regional levels. It will aim at further enhancing  participants knowledge of the Convention, of the processes for its ratification and early implementation, and of the available sources of financial and technical support, including in the interim period.

Governments will have the opportunity to exchange information, discuss joint actions and on the last day of the workshop, they will be invited to present their draft national roadmap for the ratification and early implementation of the Convention prepared during the course of the workshop.

Further information on the awareness-raising work undertaken by the Interim Secretariat of the Minamata Secretariat can be found here.

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