UNEP/MC/COP.3/15 - Financial rules for the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury, its subsidiary bodies and the secretariat of the Convention

Note by the secretariat 1. By its decision MC-1/10, the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury adopted the financial rules for the Conference of the Parties, and any of its subsidiary bodies, as well as financial provisions governing the functioning of the secretariat of the Convention. Some bracketed text remained, however, in paragraph 3 (e) of rule 5 on contributions and in the annex to the financial rules, on the procedure for the allocation of funding from the special trust fund for facilitating the participation of parties in meetings of the Conference of the Parties. Paragraph 2 of the annex remained in brackets in its entirety, and some text in the paragraph was further bracketed. Lastly, there were brackets in paragraph 5 of the annex. 2. At its second meeting, the Conference of the Parties considered the text of paragraph 3 (e) of rule 5 of the financial rules, and of paragraphs 2 and 5 of the annex to the rules, as set forth in decision MC-1/10 (UNEP/MC/COP.2/14). No agreement having been reached on the matter, the Conference of the Parties agreed to defer further consideration of it to its third meeting.